Vicon ANDEX 1505
Wytrzymała, czterokaruzelowa wersja ProLine w pełni kompatybilna z ISOBUS
Zgrabiarka ProLine z odkładaniem pokosu do środka o szerokości roboczej 9.8 - 15.0 m
Główne zalety
Hermetyczna, bezobsługowa przekładnia ProLine Hydrauliczne zawieszenie karuzel Zabezpieczenie przed przeciążeniem na przednich karuzelach Opcjonalnie kierowana oś transportowa Hydrauliczna regulacja wysokościOpis
Model Vicon Andex 1505 jest przeznaczony do ciężkiej i intensywnej eksploatacji i jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla klientów poszukujących zaawansowanej zgrabiarki o dużej wydajności. Cztery karuzele, bezobsługowa przekładnia ProLine, szerokość robocza 15m i wytrzymała konstrukcja ramy głównej podkreślają jej potencjał. Ta wyjątkowa konstrukcja pozwala na uzyskanie imponującej szerokości roboczej od 9,80 aż do 15,00 m. Wysokość transportowa maszyny z założonymi ramionami nie przekracza 4 m, co zapewnia również komfortowy i bezpieczny przejazd po drogach publicznych. Przednie ramiona posiadają zabezpieczenia, co daje gwarancję tego, że rama główna nie zostanie uszkodzona. Dodatkowo dostępne jest opcjonalne kierowanie osiami transportowymi co wyznacza nowy standard w tym segmencie maszyn.
- The ProLine rakes feature a unique drive system which comprises oil-immersed pinion and crown wheels.
- The fully enclosed design ensures full and permanent lubrication, and makes the entire system absolutely maintenance-free.
- The hardened cam track is adjustable, and features a flat curve and an extremely large 400 mm diameter, providing positive guidance to the steel rollers, and promoting quiet machine running.
- Aluminium bearing housings, with two integral ball bearings and wide support, provide solid and maintenance-free tine arm mounting.
- Raking width can be continuously varied on the move between 9.5 m and 15 m.
- Raking width can be matched to the density of crop to obtain an evenly shaped and equally wide swath over the full length.
- The two outer rotors can be adjusted individually.
- You can independently steer an outside rotor around an obstacle such as a pole or tree without having to change travel direction with the complete machine.
- The 2-pt headstock allows a turning angle up to 80° and the steered wheel axles ensure the Andex 1505 has unequalled manoeuverability.
- Despite a total length of 9 m, even narrow gateways or approach lanes to fields are easily negotiated.
- Hydraulic or pneumatic breaks allow Andex 1505 to reach high transport speeds, minimizing time spent going from field to field.
- During transport the height of the machines is below 4 m, without removing the tines. Transport width with detached tine arms is only 3.45 m.
- Conversion from transport to working position is very fast, and is carried out from the tractor cab.
- Hydraulic ground pressure control means constant and adjustable pressure on the rotors regardless of their position on the carrier frame.
- Free mobility in three planes combined with six steered twin wheels per rotor give each rake head perfect ground-following ability for the cleanest possible raking performance.
- Each rotor can be independently set for height by using the hydraulic system.
- The Andex 1304 Pro and the 1505 are fully Isobus compatible and available with the IsoMatch Tellus or Tellus GO control terminals.
- The IsoMatch Tellus is the virtual terminal, offering 2 interface screens in 1 terminal. The large 12” easily programmable touch screen offers ergonomic use.
- The IsoMatch Tellus GO is especially developed for controlling machines in a simple way. Just connect your machine, step into the tractor cab, switch on the power button and GO.
Rolnictwo precyzyjne

The IsoMatch Grip is an ISOBUS auxiliary device developed for great operator comfort and efficient machine control. Its ergonomic shape and the complete freedom of assigning and controlling a total of 44 implement functions from one device are unique in the market today. From your fingertips you have endless possibilities to operate all machine functions as desired. And assignments are saved per machine making it even more applicable to your needs.

When deciding what equipment to purchase, it is not always easy to find the optimal solution in the broad market offering of today. Technology is developing fast and tractors and implements are more and more equipped with high tech electronics. We understand this complexity and are committed to provide you with easy farming solutions. Therefore these cost-efficient ISOBUS Universal Terminals, IsoMatch Tellus PRO and IsoMatch Tellus GO+ are made for easy machine control and efficient farming.

With its advanced hardware and software features, the IsoMatch Tellus PRO provides the optimal precision farming solution for an all-in-one control system inside your tractor cab.
IsoMatch Tellus PRO is the centre for connecting all ISOBUS machines and a platform for running precision farming applications. It offers everything a farmer needs to get the maximum out of his machines and crops, as well as cost savings in fertiliser, chemicals and seeds by using automatic section control and variable rate control. With the unique dual screen functionality it gives the farmer the opportunity to view and control two machines and processes simultaneously.

Work easy. Be in control.
IsoMatch Tellus GO+ is especially developed for controlling the machine in a simple way. The farmer is in full control of the machine in exactly the way he wants. Easy set up the machine with the soft keys via the 7-inch touch screen. And, optimal control while driving, just use the hard keys and rotary switch. Controlling the implement has never been so easy.
This can be you your first step into Precision Farming
IsoMatch Tellus GO+ makes it easy to control any ISOBUS machine from your tractor cab. IsoMatch GEOCONTROL enables you to achieve higher yields, lower costs and do your work with less hassle. This licence key is divided in two parts, Section Control and Variable Rate Control, which are available from the IsoMatch Shop. Now you can buy the specific functionality that you need.
Specyfikacja techniczna
Specyfikacja techniczna
Pobierz prospektAndex | 1505 | |
Szerokość robocza | 9.80-15.0m | |
Liczba ramion | 13/15 | |
Masa własna (kg) | 6000 | |
Średnica karuzel (m) | 3.85 |
Specyfikacja techniczna
Specyfikacja techniczna
Pobierz prospekt
Szerokość robocza |
Liczba ramion na karuzeli |
Waga |
Andex 1505 |
9.80-15.00m |
2x13/2x15 |
6000kg |